Saturday, June 6, 2009

Turning point of life..

Exam ended...arrival of the release of exam's result day..graduation cum to an end to my student life cycle ...its ended!!!

A new turning point arised in my life cycle, the exposure of myself to life, start to send out resume..letter by and day pass..waiting for reply.....interview by interview..and reach to an acceptance!!

Once accepted, the start of my working life. Currently, my working life still at the introduction stage, still a lot of thg that need to be learn and it.................still progressing...................................

It's part of our life.......JOURNEY OF LIFE.......................

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Reminder from lihyon

Oops..almost forgotten bout my blog...its might be a good news to myself..coz my absentee in here means that i'm in a good mood where i not required to release my fear and anger here!!!...haha...but sometimes, i may express my daily and happy stuffs here too..haha!!!!!!...
Today, lihyon remind me...really thanks to her..TQ ya..!!!!!

My lifestyle had changed from study life to a workinglife...currently i s still enjoying it..since not required to do ant OT yet..hehe..(sound so lazy ya)..!!!